Driving Towards More Energy

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“The world belongs to the energetic.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

It always seems like the Fall and Winter seasons fly by, especially being full of events, holidays, and happenings. While the earlier parts of 2020 have been a drag; I’m hoping that these last four months will be fun and festive. Personally, I’m making it my mission to have enough ENERGY to enjoy every bit of it!

I’ve been riding through 2020 somewhat on cruise control. I’m sure we can all agree that this year’s road has been full of obstacles and distractions. I’ve been doing everything I can to stay on the path and make it on this journey of a year. But now, my focus is making these next 120 days different. I’m going to enforce the habit of adding premium fuel to my whip and driving with intention.

If you too are looking to add more energy into your life, look no further. Below I’ve listed 10 of my favorite healthy foods that have the ability to properly energize your body, increase your ability to focus, and support your overall productivity.

I hope this encourages you to finish the year energized enough to enjoy the good stuff!



High in Vitamin C, potassium, and folate. Oranges slow-release energy also contain antioxidant compounds that can prevent against oxidative stress.


The carbs, fiber, and sugar in berries help enhance your energy levels. Berries contain lots of healthy antioxidants along with vitamin A, C, magnesium, potassium and folate. The fiber in berries slows down the rate of digestion causing a steadier, longer lasting energy boost.


They have so many health benefits and are considered a super food. Avocados are high in healthy fats, B vitamins, and fiber. The healthy fats can be stored in the body and used as energy sources. Their fiber can also help maintain steady energy levels.


They’re nutritious, rich in the antioxidant beta carotene and full of fiber. Sweet potatoes are one of the best complex carbs you can eat. Your body digests these carbs and fiber slowly which provides a steady supply of energy. They also contain essential energy nutrients, like vitamin c, magnesium, and iron.


This tea contains two primary ingredients for energy; matcha and yerba bate. These ingredients help provide an energy buzz without the caffeine crash feeling later. The energy from green tea is said to be more stable. Green tea also contains small amounts of vitamin C which can boost immune heath and protect energy levels.


Whole grain provides long lasting energy. It contains B vitamins, iron, and manganese. These vitamins and minerals help with the energy production process.


These fruits are one of the best sources of energy. Bananas contain nutrients that make the body feel full of energy. They're an excellent source of complex carbs, potassium, and vitamin B. All of these help improve energy levels.


A great form of slow-release energy, contains vitamin B, C and potassium to give you a much needed energy boost!


This grain has a low glycemic index due to its high fiber content. The fiber helps regulate blood sugar levels and promotes steady energy levels all day.


Simply put, hydration is the key to staying energized! Even slight dehydration can cause sluggish behavior, lower quality performance, and lack of focus + concentration.




